Moving back in time, I have more to share.

At the age of 10 or so I started selling newspapers, and what we called throwing a paper route.

You might say what? Please read. I had a very fine bicycle. The newspaper company sold a set of rear mounted saddlebags that I mounted on the back of my bike.

Everyday I would roll up the papers as tight as I could place a rubber band around them, stuff them as tight as I could into my saddle bags. The Sunday papers were at least twice as big.

My paper route was mostly apartments. Maybe three or so houses. I broke some windows in the apartments, throwing the rolled up papers. I would ride that bike heavy in the back, grab a paper and throw it the best I could. Sometimes it would land on there porch, sometimes it would go thru there window, which was not a good thing, Ha.

This was a morning job, in my evenings I would stand on the corner of a major intersection and sell the papers to cars that would stop. This was my first experience of pressure selling. It was fun, meeting people.

A local auto dealer named Jimmy Green Chevrolet was very close to where I sold papers. I would go there and became friends with the people that worked there.
By chance one day they started a give away for a new Harley Davidson motorcycle.
It was a small bike with a motor and pedals. As you can think being a young man I entered this give away, When the time came to announce the winner it was me.

What a day it was. The newspaper I sold papers for was there. They took my picture along with people there, also my new motorcycle. Not many 11 year olds had ever owned such as I had.

Yep as you guess, I was the coolest, at least in my mind. I rode it to practice my baseball playing. I would ride as much as I could, always worrying about law enforcement catching me, for I was to young to legally doing as I was. Can see the picture I present.

Not long after we moved as we did, more than I cared.

It's hard to think as I do but life changes. I worked, had several jobs.
working at a pizza shop, when I bought my first bed, a king size as it was.
Later a Italian food place, it turned my stomach, washing plates and such.

Working at a gas station, gas was so cheap compared as today. So many jobs I had. This country affords many, its what we make it. It's hard for me to understand why people think they look to our government to provide them benefits. I worked when I wanted to. Why cant they.

I don't mean anything other than what I say. I will only speak my heart.
Is this wrong, no I don't think so. You want the fruits of life? Get off
your ass and make it happen. We live in the greatest country in the world.
You have so many options to make your life what you want.

So many people live in places where there are no things as I speak of.

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