Umm..ok..lets just begin by saying..I LOVE MUSIC, for more reasons than one!

When I started learning music, little did I know that something that I was doing as a hobby would help me so much! To say the least, music enlightens you, is a dear friend and sometimes an agony aunt too.

It is something you can rely more than a friend, if I may say so. It is a non-existing friend..but is one that will keep all your joys and sorrows hidden in its melody :D

I was more than surprised to know that something like MUSIC can heal humans. is the answer to illnesses like Arthiritis, High Blood Pressure..among many others..! Amazing..aint it? What bowled me over was discovering the fact that it affects plants just like human beings. They actually RESPOND to the various types of music!

As a student of music, I feel that one must always be in the company of good, melodious is a true friend and an eternal healer!

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