I always come across strong women. It's amazing how much they inspire me.

A friend who recently stayed with me, is such a courageous, never-say-die type. Her arm in cast, three tiny kids in tow, she regaled me with stories of how she manages without her hubby, who travels most of the time.

One story never left me. She had to address a meeting of twenty five young women one evening, when as luck would have it, her left elbow got broken.

Not one to give up easily, she prayed, and drove with one hand all the way through the heavy middle eastern traffic, her arm heavily bandaged. The talk over, she returned back home a good one hour journey.
The minute she stepped into her house, the pain which had miraculously disappeared the time she was away, returned with renewed vengeance. It was so bad that her kids had to even change her clothes.

"God gives us special strength for special tasks."
Her favorite quote.

Another woman I know, lost her hubby suddenly. She, so young, still walks tall. With one hand she deftly manages her job, with another, her home, relationships, finances, her growing kids...
She still smiles..through her pain.
I've never seen her breakdown, at least in public, even once!

Amazing how women differ so much from men.

Men get a small headache and they lie in bed all day thinking it's a tumour!
"Mai mar gaya, loot gaya, barbaad hua.."
Their sad refrain.

A small problem comes up and now next thing, they'd sit up all evening with drinking buddies, with unshaven stubbled face, singing, "loot gaya..."

If his eyes flutter, he thinks he's gonna die. A small boil scares him. Sometimes he takes his twitching nose to the doctor, who readily admits him for four days in his spacious hospital.
The poor guy returns with pockets emptied and the doctor laughing his way to the bank.

Guys only have big muscles and mustache...but really are so very delicate :P

Women are emotionally much stronger than men.

They do have those phases of sulking silence..

but at least they don't sport that wretched stubble...!

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