Ever since I have come up on this site,I guess this is the first time I am writing something about my parents.

The smile that curved your lips,
When you first held me in your arms,
And then,pulled and kissed my cheeks,
I felt so safe,out of all the harms,

You taught me how to walk,
And rejoiced listening to my first talk,
So warm,filled with love was that embrace,
I was the winner,even without a race,

I see you disturbed whole night,
And cry hugging me tight,
Whenever I fall ill,
Going against your will,

You showed the right way,
Taught me the lessons of life,
I know you will never walk away,
Happiness or sorrows,I will find you beside,

You drive away all those fears,
Because you are so caring ,loving and nice,
I find you wiping my tears,
Even when my heart was broken thrice,