I don't know about you.But I am tired of Ms Nosy.

She makes my life miserable.I can't go out,can't sit at home.If I speak a bit loud,she's out there in her balcony.If I choose a whisper,she's at my door,eavesdropping.

She's my neighbor. Sometimes my friend.She helps me out on many occasions.But this overwhelming trait of hers nullifies all good in her. I tolerate her somehow. But how long? Am relieved when she goes off somewhere,only to reappear again.
Nose in tow.

She draws out my opinions in an albeit gentle,soothing manner,then promptly goes off to another one and divulges them.
I'm trying to avoid her the best I can,keeping my words few,cutting our conversations abruptly or just fleeing if I spot her on my daily walks.

Wait,there's another one lurking around. The minute I speak to someone in the open,she's there at my throat,crying 'What happened?'
Real bothersome.
Why are women so nosy?

Whether its that friendly yet reclusive southern woman,living opposite to us,who spied on us kids through her sheer window curtains,her stout silhouette so visible in her lighted room,or even nosy detective,modern moms. The ones who rummage through their kids' belongings,sniffing for suspicious objects, like a police doberman.
This malady's so incurable.

Notoriously nosy homemakers.Having nothing to do all day,every bit of sound on the street,fleeting colors of a female form riding pillion on a bike or even the faintest trace of a couple quarreling will set their antennas on the highest alert.

I asked a friend why women are nosy.
She replied,'Simple.Because they have a nose.'

Why,O,why are women so nosy?

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