More than smiles, there are only tears. More than togetherness, there's only loneliness. More than happiness there's always pain. Hurt.
Dreams. I had a million. Not a few. I want to love you in every way I could. Sometimes like a small baby of mine. Sometimes like your girl. Sometimes like friends. But? Dreams are only dreams. They never come true.
You promised me right? That you love me, you love me always.But I hadn't expected that 'always' would end so soon. You had even promised me right? That you will take me in your arms, hold me tight & always be with me, write a novel about our first love? The story of 2 cities? N you would kiss me in the rain?
Promises are meant to be kept not to be broken.
Do you know how much I miss you, how much I feel speaking to you, how much I pray for you? No. You don't have a single idea about it. This damn heart of mine. I hate it. N this brain never stops thinking about you. About our love. Abut us?
No. You won't understand all these.
I know m disturbing you a lot. Yeah, I always kill your time.
You know my weakness?
How much ever you hurt me, this stupid heart of mine still loves you the same way as it always did & it always does. Why? Why so?
I dunno.
But there comes one day in your life, when I move away completely away from your life. Then no texts, no calls. Yeah. You can have a lot of time for your professional life. N haan you don have to make these silly fake promises.
You know what? I know I will never get you. All of yours now is fake. Actually it was the best when we were just friends. I spoilt it right by proposing you? That mid night at 12.30? I am mad. A mad girl. Because I thought you loved me. N haan you loved me then.
You don't even think of me na? See nearly 16 days that we haven't spoken How much i am dying inside only I know that. I guess even God doesn't understand.
Just one message one call makes my day. To speak with you is more than heaven for me. Just for few, 3 min at least once in 2 days. Enough.
I am typing here with tears in my eyes. M feeling some what. Feeling so giddy. What ever, I can't type any more.
I always want to see you happy my Shona :* ( Sorry for kissing you, a sweet kiss on your cheek. )
Stay happy forever. Smile :)
I want to sleep. I wanna cry.
Please don't disturb me in my dreams.
Signing off..
A mad girl.

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