How stupid of me! I thought to myself this morning.
I was in the throes of Monday blues!

I was rushing to pick up my friend from the airport. I was already late. She must have landed any moment. My mobile suddenly went blank. I'd forgotten to charge it. Now how do I contact her if I need to or even summon the driver to pick us back? He offered me his charger. It didn't work. Rummaging through my wallet, I found it empty. I'd forgotten to refill that too. Oh silly me !

Hubby had told me to keep extra cash in case she needed some Indian currency. Turning out to be a real bad morning. Surely hubby's going to give me a piece of his mind. When he gets back home.

Why are Mondays so blue? Weekends go by in a jiffy. Breathed a swift prayer. 'God, please let her just come out now,' I asked as I was reaching the airport. There she was,waving to me. Highly embarrassed, I tried to explain that I was up since 5 AM.
But couldn't.

She smiled. She had one last five rupee coin in her pocket, that she used up to make her last call. We laughed. That made me feel a little better.

I almost knocked down someone's luggage as I veered the trolley to the exit. I didn't even say sorry. The lady stared at me. I just moved on. Gosh what's happening today? I felt like a zombie. Thankfully the driver, a helpful fellow found us out, loaded in the luggage and whew! We were back home.

I breathed easy now. I looked at her hand. It was in a cast. 'Did you get a porter to lift your suitcase?' I asked.
'No', I just lifted it with my other hand. Unbelievable. Twenty kilos with one hand! 'Yes', she replied, 'God gives us special strength for special situations'.
What a contrast! She and me, I thought.

Too anxious about everything being spic and span, I gave little thought to the vital essentials of my day.

Money and Mobile.

A classic case of mixed up priorities.

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