There was a day i liked him,
there was a day i loved him,
i cared for him, i cared a lot for him
pampered him,, remembered all his stupid talks

but i was left alone, i was severed.

There was a day i proposed him,
there was a day i said i will take his responsibility
i nurtured him, i taught him
baught him all his lavish demands

but i dnot noe why i was lost in the herd

There was a day when i was standing alone for him
there was a day when i hold him
i waited hours for him,

but i found myself aloof.

He loved me more than i loved him,
cared me more than i cared for him
pampered me alot

but i dont noe what went wrong?

He gifted my diamonds and precious stones
stars and galaxies are for me
spended hours thinking of me

but where are those days gone?

He changed himself for no reasons,
m still the same, he improved himself for me
he adjusted acc to my needs

but i was soo greedy
i was soo egoistic,
i was overloaded with love
may b that is the reason i couldnt appreciate it

i really loved him where has that charm gone

P.S. i dont noe,,where s dat love gone?? there is nothing wrong happend between us but i dnt noe wat is MISSING

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