Dedicated to my Late Grandfather. Love u Grandpa...

Take me to another life
Away from this discord and strife.
I do not wish to live,
In myself I fail to believe.
There is no fun and no colour,
Life is just a blur.

Head sunk in my arm,
Myself I was trying to calm.
Then came my grandfather
And changed my life forever.

He said-
Dont worry my child
You to success I will guide.
Believe in yourself,
For, within you all gods dwell.
Learn to be happy and cheerful,
Only then will your life be fruitful.

With a smile on my face,
And with the determination to run life's race,
I rose up to thank my Grandfather,
But, in front of me I saw him disappear.

I woke up to see if he was there,
Could find him nowhere.
I know I was dreaming,
Still, I was beaming
For, he had taught me the lessons of LIFE
And for that I can never thank him enough!

Tags: Grandfather

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