Why do individuals matter so much? To be precise, certain individuals. Their opinions, their messages, their opposition, their everything. Its like you cannot live without their words. Their words work like magic upon you, sometimes you are relieved and sometimes you are cooked up. They have such mystical beauty in their words that you are compelled to yearn for their company. You practically want to take the words out of their mouths. You wait, wait, wait and just wait for them to allure you with their divine discourse. However impatient you are, you just find that incredulous patience to listen to their words. Because their words are the only thing that matters to you. Even if they are harsh, you swallow them like bitter pills and engrave them in your memory and cherish it forever. Because their words had touched you first, seeped into your heart heart and reserved a corner there. Maybe in a later life a similar kindered soul might reserve the rest potions of your heart. You just have to wait for those mere words to be repeated again.

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