I laughed when I read the post 'tera wada' yesterday.
I honestly thought it was some nice, tasty wada the author had tasted at his gal friend's hands..
Please don't throw cushions on me dear author...haha
then I scrolled down and realized you meant vaada..promise!

Well, since I started this topic, I'm inviting all of you home to eat my wadas.
All wadas except one variety!

I make nice looking sabudana wadas, 'just about theek' batata(alu) wadas ..but my medu wadas are quite out of shape.
I grind the batter with minimum water, add chillies, ginger, kadipatta, salt etc (if you are pulling my leg, I shall put MORE salt than necessary, mind you:)..then when I try to shape the balls in my watered palm and try to insert my index finger into the sticky batter, the wada suddenly decides to go shapeless..just like a fat middle aged lady!

I feel so terrible.I remember the delicious wadas they serve in udipi hotels, the huge golden brown variety ..two of them nestling side by side like love birds...with a big hole in the center..and ohhhhh the aroma so divine!
The lovey dovey pair comes to our table soaked in divine sambar..I then forget where I am..if possible would have eaten with bare hands and licked fingers too!!

But my medu wadas look pathetic! They taste funny too. Like someone dipped them in glue!
No amount of seasoning helps. And the hole NEVER happens! And the fried wada is hard like a rock. I envisioned something but it turns out something else.
How much like our lives!
We try to imitate someone but eventually we end up a big mess.

So now I simply accept the fact that I just cannot make the hotel variety medu wada. But I got a flash of inspiration. I just dip the irregular wadas into cold water, squeeze out the water and add them to sweetened dahi, top them with chilli powder, chaat masala and of course the coriander leaves.

Lo n behold!
A yummy treat.

So next time you end up disastrously copying someone's actions, remember..life gives you another chance.

Make dahi wada out of it!!!!!

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