i work everyday
listen to the comments
never ever complained
heart with deep dents

i go to the temple , light a lamp
pray for the family
despite a stamp

that stamp of impurity
which remains for those 5 days
i can't enter the kitchen
no normal ways

the temple excludes me
says a complete NO
my family, i love, shuns me
whatever i do wherever i go

what happened to them
what is wrong with me
why i get a floor to sleep
never answered he

the lady you needed every time
worked for you religiously
lives a life of complete isolation
is it a matter of purity

the red fluid you talk about
isn't something for you to care
you haven't purchased me sir
here by i declare

24*7 dedication of my
turns so impure
i can't even touch the plants
till i CURE !

i accept everyone the way they are
never did i complain
what happens in those 5 days
isolated i remain

society shuns me away
i now am afraid of myself
afraid of those 5 days
whom to ask for help

the most important natural process
and you call it a taboo
my respect and need
suddenly flew ?

my freedom , my work ,
my dedication , my hue
all fades then
why ?? no clue

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