Some women grow up loathing these species.
But somewhat tolerate 'em.
A few lucky ones find their prince charming..
while others think he's an illusion..

What good would it do to treat them spitefully?
don't we need them to carry on with our progeny?
apart from that, those rippling muscles
they are such wonderful time pass!
Who would carry our heavy bundle of notebooks, the suitcase..etc?
Who else is so easy to fleece, simply with a flutter of long eye lashes??

Without them, where would we get some of our finest jokes from?
honestly, I think men are awesomely funny..if they want to..
I've met very few who can't really make people laugh!
Sometimes they act ridiculous..especially in front of TV sets with IPL or football matches going on..
they jump up like a spring, clap like maniacs, shout so loud, they could be heard miles away..
then they forget their wives, their gal friends..even their beloved beer!
Men make good drivers..
only they refuse to ask for directions!
so they go round and round for hours..
finally the woman steps in..asks somebody..
and lo! they reached already!

Men are actually quite cute.
Only thing..they crave attention..
Why else would mawalis stalk pretty women?
why do men do facials?
why do they in fact shave every day?
why dress up in branded clothes?
if not to impress some pretty looking gal?

Hefty good looking guys become trainers for actresses..
some actually end up acting..
bespectacled nerdy types slog from morn to night at the computer..
lazy men become watchmen..
Feminine types worm their way into salons as hair stylists..
or turn into bharat natyam dancers..
And the rest turn to Writer babu..
to seek after beautiful writer gals!!

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