Heaps of colorful clothing, accessories, footwear, fancy wear, cosmetics easily catches her attention while he gazes open mouthed at passing 'vibrant' objects whizzing by him in a whirr, forcing him to turn his graying head and middle aged belly in the direction of distraction, as he sits on a nearby bench sipping strong coffee and munching on doughnuts from his paper bag.

Hours spent staring at every passing female takes its toll finally; he gets real tired, gets up to have a peek inside the electronics shop and being someone not too attracted to latest techie devices, instead gets taken up by the pleasant woman selling it.
Putting on his best smile, he tries chatting her up, but the busy, distracted woman caters to umpteen customers at one time, forcing him to go on the back foot and bat at a passing fly instead, as he walks outside and seats himself on a wooden stool, continuing with his staring spree, for the next few hours.

"I'm done", says a voice behind him finally as he turns around to gaze at a small face almost hidden by dozens of just-emptied-from-each-shop stuff hanging precariously from each invisible part of her body-his wife's!
Men and shopping never go hand in hand..he comes to this rueful conclusion.

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