The rain poured outside and the news channel advised everyone to stay at home warning about the possibilities of a hurricane. The thunder was strengthening and the lightning flashes illuminated the dark sky with bright lights. Every time we heard the crackling of thunder Dean hugged me tighter and tighter. I saw him smiling and recalling the history when we started dating.

Remember when we first met? -he asked and lightly kissed me on the cheek.

Of course-i smiled softly, adjusting plaid.

I think about that day..the day when i met the most beautiful girl of my life- he said while getting lost in his imagination.

Indeed. Tell me more about her-i asked.

She was terrific! She had the most beautiful eyes and a gorgeous smile that would make anyone feel better-said Dean clenching his strong embrace.

and what happened next?-i asked excitingly.

I went to her and offered her umbrella. I couldn't let her soak in the wild rain. I walked her home to make sure that she stayed safe. By the time we reach home the rain only intensified. She invited me to her home and i gladly accepted her offer. She made tea for two to keep both of us warm. We started talking and i listened to her without breaking my eye contact. I wanted her to understand that i am interested in her.

What happened next? -i asked to hear the story more.

Well i didn't let this opportunity slip past me so i bent down and lifted her chin so that she no longer looked down but instead of looking into her eyes i leaned over and kissed her, not too hard and not too soft but exactly what was needed for the moment.

and can you show me how did you do that?- i asked with a smirk on his lips.

Dean lifted my chin and i was looking right at him. He brushed his thumb to my lower lip and leaned forward until our lips brushed each other. That was spectacular. We then estranged from each other and i put my head back on his chest.

so where is this girl right now?-i asked as i held his hand.

I live with her and she cannot even imagine how much i love her and you know what? We are going to get married in near future.

I was quite confused for a moment, thinking that Dean had never proposed me to marry him so i turned to sit in front of him.

So what do you say? Will you marry me?-he asked not hiding his happy smile.

Tags: Fantasy

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