Childhood is a part of our life that will never return nor be forgotten. Here is a list of unforgettable things I did as a child:

1) I always imagined stupid reasons why women's chests were bigger.
2) I always reckoned the moon is following me when walking at night.
3) Opening the plastic of a lollipop was the hardest work ever.
4) I used to draw the sun at the corner of page.
5) I used to draw a 'V' like shape instead of birds.
6) I always thought girls had penises too..(NO OFFENCE PLEASE)
7) I loved playing lego, snake and ladders and Domino.
8) I used imitate spider-man
9) I thought smokers were cool guys.
10) I considered the fattest guys the strongest.
11) I had a crush on every girl who talked to me.
12) I sucked my thumb while asleep.
13) I kept staring at the sun until it seemed green.
14) Tom and jerry were my heroes.
15) I used to be afraid of darkness.

Childhood..RIP ... we all miss you.. :(

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