MCQs; Making confusion quickly or murder caused quietly

Is it not amazing how our major exams based on the so called "multiple choice questions" are messed up! here is an example:

Q100. A man dies after living a few months after his 60th birthday. How old was he when he died?
A. 60.3 years
B. 60.2 years
C. 60.00 years
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

Geez....... how the hell am I supposed to pick 1!!! It could be anything...... Confusion made! OK OK lets calm down lets try the exclusion criteria..... the question says he lived a few months after his 60th so..... option c is out! ok now for none of the above cannot be he has to be over 60 as the few other options state so cross this! take a breath you can do this.... since 2 options are striked wrong can not be all of the above so option d is wrong too. Now two to go how in the world do I know the few they are referring to is 3 months after his 60 or 2???? Oh shit the time is running out and I have to revise the paper plus I also have to review I left behind...... ok ok I strike..... in pin safety pin in pin out! you may go in to the house! HA! Ha! its option B! lets mark! Murder committed!

Based on the above example do share if this has happened to you before and what is your strategy while taking such exams.

Another thing I read somewhere quiet a while back that some researchers made a chimp take this test after basic training. And guess what..... The monkey passed!!!

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