I was shopping one day, when I came across this do-it-yourself kit, in the stationery section. Caught by the design on its front cover, I brought it home.

There was a thin, metal sheet inside, with an engraving tool neatly lying in its slot. A rough design could be visible on the sheet.

I couldn't wait. I picked up the tool and began carving out the already etched design onto the metal sheet. I had to scratch fine lines,and as I did, metal dust began to form, which I swept away with a damp cloth.
I continued carving. A petal became visible, then a flower..finally in an hours time the entire bunch of flowers.
All golden in color. Wow. I loved the effect.

It wasn't difficult. Only needed carving. Persistent.
I framed it and its now hanging on my wall.
'Did you do it?', they ask me, as I proudly nod my head in affirmation.

As I looked at the picture, a thought flashed through my mind. That God is trying out a pattern too in our lives.

He had a preplanned picture of us already in His mind, when we were created. He expects us to humbly yield ourselves to His hands, as He keeps busy carving out the already etched, unique design for each one of us.
We need to only trust Him, that He knows what He's doing and allow the process.

It's different from a painting where the colors can fade or be washed away.But engraving? Its permanent.
The process isn't easy. Its quite painful, lots of our ego will be have to be dealt with firmly.

Hardship in our lives would give way to some shades of grey here, some white there.
Overall the picture would be perfect.

If we keep our focus steady on Him, eventually He'd have a masterpiece in His hands!

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