“Marry someone who lets you have a bite of
their brownie, even when you said you weren’t
Marry someone who laughs at the same things
you do. Marry someone who kisses your nose
on a cold day.
Marry someone who you can watch Disney
movies with.
Marry someone who is proud of you whether
you earn litte for a week.
Marry someone who you can tell everything to.
Marry someone who isn’t afraid or embarrassed
to hold your hand in public.
Marry someone who you can spend the day in
Ikea with without feeling stressed.
Marry someone who wraps you up inside their
coat in the winter. Marry someone who accepts
your fears and phobias.
Marry someone who gives you butterflies every
time you hear their key in the door.
Marry someone who you don’t always have to
shave your legs for. Marry someone who
accepts you all day every day, even when you
don’t look or feel your best.
Marry someone who puts three sugars in your
tea, despite telling them “just the two”.
Marry someone who doesn’t judge you when
you eat your body weight in cookies.
Marry someone who doesn’t make you want to
check your phone, because you know they will
Marry someone who waits with you to get on
the train.
Marry someone who understands that you need
to be alone sometimes.
Marry someone who gets on well with your
parents and isn’t uptight about family events.
Marry someone who calms you down when you
get mad about stupid stuff, and never tells you
it’s “only stupid stuff”.
Marry someone who makes you want to be a
better person.
Marry someone who makes you laugh.
Marry someone who you love.
Marry your soulmate, your lover, your best

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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