Just a thought !
As I sat down with my best friend with my cup of coffee,I expected it
to be the usual girls chit chat and catching up on our dose of gossip
session,the last thing on my mind being an intense talk upon our
"lives" and how we want to live it.Live it?Aren't we already doing
that?So,what's there to 'talk'?
Being a 20yr old college going girl(I avoid using the word
'typical' here because I believe no matter how much normal I maybe,I'm
very much an individual and unique."I" am NOT typical !),my life
revolves pretty much around the same track as almost every other
Indian girl-trying to look the best,gushing over guys,finding my
definition of 'fun',fussing over career choices etc etc....But
studying in an All girls College for 3 years has altered my thought
process a bit(No,I've not turned into a Lesbian!)..this writeup is all
about that...(Please remember,making sense is not my agenda!)
Indian society and Marriage are two indispensable
terms.Whether you're a guy/girl,at some point of time,you're Mummy
will pester you to join the "Beta,shadi karle" phase for her entry
into the "I'm a mother-in-law" club at some point of time.No,I'm
20,too young to talk marriage and fortunately untill now even my
parents haven't brought this up.But someday they will....and I'll have
to respond.But the question that hits me is Do I want to get
married?Do ANYONE of us really wants to get married?Why?to pacify the
society?to start a generation?for getting a man to pay for me or for a
lady to keep my house organised?Why???Good reasons enough,ehh?
Atleast from a today's girl's point of view,I'm really clueless
about the same! Isn't happiness the thing we all are ultimately
seeking?Does the 'holy' matrimony guarantee it?Do going the family way
ensures a happily ever after kind of life?Going by the rate of failed
marriages,extra maritals,unhappy married lives,I don't think so..So
why can't I just be a single successful girl and live life like I want
to?Better than being in an unhappy relationship anyday!And moreover,if
you expect me to live a happy singles life for early 25 years of my
life,why can't I do that for the rest of my life??!How come the
definition of 'Happiness' gets binded into husband and saat pheras all
of a sudden! It can be something like living on my own,having my
girl's pyjama party,going out with that hot guy at work or spending my
weekend with my favorite romantic novel and hot cup of coffee???!
Happiness-as an individual,as a society is our
perspective,our ultimate search,our parents ultimate search for us.But
why do we Indians HAVE to associate it with maternity and matrimony! I
am a human and no matter how old and 'mature' I get,I might get
infatuated to somebody at some point of time regardless of how
good/bad a partner I already have(human nature-NOT infedility)!Living
in constrains just cuz I once took promise for it??Bullcrap! I simply
refuse to take it.
All this does not mean I'm promoting the extra marital affairs
here,No,not at all !But just weighing the whole marriage ruckus.
Marriage is a holy insititution and my full regards to it.But the
thought is,is there such a high necessity for getting into it?Why
can't any normal girl just be with the person she likes without having
to worry about "Hey,I like you,you like me,let's get the Goverment
involved and seal the deal !" Why can't the Indian parents and
especially those distant relatives and aunts who bring rishtas accpet
the fact that life would be much much easier where we live the way we
want to,minus all the husband-wife tussles,saas-bahu tensions,growin
up of kids! A life where everyone is the master of their own lives
without the bondage of Wedding vows!

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