I've yet to recover from this one.

One night, a year ago..maybe two years ago, I'm not sure, I had a dream.
It was night time. A bus, red colored, was moving at high speed very near the curb, where someone stood. It seemed to me the driver was rash.

The next scene I saw was of an auto lying toppled, over a man lying face down.

I woke up with a start. I felt uneasy.
"Lord, whatever this is, if it's some disaster going to happen...please, please keep them safe."

I kept thinking about it the next few days.

It was Jan 25th, I think, I was scrolling over FB, when suddenly I saw this video of an accident that happened that afternoon.

A schizophrenic ST bus driver had driven his bus madly along Pune roads that morning, ruining vehicles, autos, whatever came his way and killing pedestrians standing at the curb. He was driving dangerously close to the curb.

He was finally caught by a young man who bravely followed him in his vehicle and forced him to stop.
In all eight people were killed.

Santosh Mane, the maniac driver was finally arrested.

I watched the proceedings, heart in mouth.
My dream flashed before me.

Was it God's warning?
I believe it strongly was.
Whenever I think of it, I get shivers down my spine.

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