My fingers itch to write...what must i?
Don't have an iota of an idea what. Hubby pecks away with his index finger at his mobile..i with my thumb on mine.
He's into daily news..i into wb views.

Been an eventful weekend so far.
Dad in law passed away at our home after being with us for nearly a year. He was critical last year...but yet survived by His grace n sheer grit on his part.

Never seen a man in mid eighties so strong willed to live as he was.
He began walking within months..eating well as before.
As if to confirm a dream i had one night when i saw dad walking. Looked impossible he was totally bedridden.
Within weeks he was walking and doing most things by himself.

I had the privilege of cooking some of his favourite stuff. Watching him relishing them gave me immense joy.
He dug into the payasam..the pudding..the cake ..
Ate anything I'd bake.

He went back to his home one sat visit his old neighbours..his last visit!
He returned.
Never to return.

One night i dreamed that he had gone!
His condition soon deteriorated.
Within weeks..he couldn't swallow..nor speak.

Mom rushed to me crying.
"Dad..he's bad"
I ran to his room..he was unconscious.
The attendant tried reviving him.
His breathing had stopped.
Finally he gasped..and never opened his eyes again.

The next few days passed by in a blur..attending to visitors ...trying to remain calm ..for mom's sake.
Funeral over...
All seemed eerie at's room so silent.
His memories rushed like a wave all over me.

His lovely smile..strength of character
Godly purity..firm tenacity in the midst of such terrible physical discomfort..
"They looked after me so well",he told everyone he met.
It felt good.

Images blew across my mind.
I couldn't stop my tears.
The dam had burst.

But i know I'll meet him one day
Strong..vigorous as ever..
He is now where he always yearned to be..
In Jesus' ever loving arms!

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