wouldn't it have been a beautiful world if everything around was peaceful?
No cries. No worries. No complains. No fears. No heart breaks.
Lets chuck the no's

Imagine at war boundaries.. soldiers of rival countries gather together.. at the border.. chill together.. playing music.. singing songs..

Imagine at a husband picks his wife to bed in his hands every night.. every night the love grows.. their small kids watch it.. saying.. look look daddy's carrying mommy..

Imagine a women in a orphanage home singing songs and making the kids sleep.. they all feel that they have a mother.. a relation not of blood but of love..

Imagine a boy giving flowers to his cute little sister who is upset because the boy spends more time with his gf.. the sister little sister hugs his brother tight saying I don't want you to make more sisters..

Imagine everyone in the city waves everyone else.. says good morning.. greets with love..

Imagine a world where people would run to help others in their problems..

Imagine a world where its not 'I' its 'WE'



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