It's not a very engaging topic for the modern younger generation, so obsessed with looks, sexy feel, hot bodied stars and what not.
Open any glossy magazine and there she is..half naked, half smiling seeking to turn you on. Turn on the TV..there he is, mouthing filthy, obscene stuff or you get to watch unnecessary bedroom scenes! Movies are replete with blatant sensuality.

I wonder how folk don't get tired of watching such rot. Some of our noble country men stand up against corruption, bribery, money laundering, smoking..but against perversion? So few can really take a stand. It's mainly because they themselves are often caught in this vice.

Why don't we pitch in for more family oriented movies? Why is sex before marriage the 'in' thing? Why do women then cry sore that they had been used? Now why didn't she protect herself from temptation in the first place? Why do marriages dissolve at the drop of a hat? How do extra marital affairs occur with alarming alacrity?

It all begins with the FIRST look. Okay fine, one can't help it. But then taking a second look, then a are on the way to disaster!

We are warned to FLEE from temptation, not linger there thinking we are strong enough to withstand it. Our composition is just frail, we must realize.

So the next time the lewd song plays on the set, put it OFF.
Get out of seemingly innocuous but totally unnecessary late nightly chats with the opposite sex, put off the PC when the urge to watch porn resurges within you. Have a no TV day. Run a mile with your dog and not after that pretty gal.
Get out of your drinking buddies' gang..find a boring but totally teetotaler friend. Make a silent vow to reserve sex only for marriage. Be physically active, mentally agile all day. Don't laze around with your useless mobile in bed.

After exactly one month of doing this, now deep breathe and watch..
how different you look in the mirror!
Your eyes seem clearer,
face cleaner,
brain sharper,
footsteps lighter,
heart happier..
the guilt is gone,
you got your dream job
who knows maybe you might just get to meet your dream girl too!

Then continue doing it for a year..then turn back and reread this post..
and remember to thank me profusely!

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