Well, the title was enough for the readers to think - "Another obsessed teenager..." Sorry to say, but you are wrong. There are these teenagers who are so crazy about making boyfriends and girlfriends. It only takes their adrenaline levels to go up for them to think they are in love. And love for them means higher rate of heart-beat on seeing ‘The One’, umm… my heartbeat fastens when I feel something unearthly too. Now this does not mean I am in love with ghosts! This entire love thing among people in office is kind of okay. You can actually think of spending your life with them as it is the right time. But thinking of staying with someone while you are still in 6th grade is really queer. But every act of a child reflects what adults nearby do. They are for sure influenced by high school students and high school goers by university students and they by the more elder group of people. I don’t see the necessity of adopting all this while still in school. Today’s definition of love erases all the innocence in the students. The life that they should enjoy at the zenith has been ruined by the heart breaks, misunderstanding, miss-communications, double dating and blah blah blah… and speaking about academic performance, you cannot expect someone to even score good marks while going through these side effects of love. There was a time when people did not get time to study because they used to play a lot and today, they don’t study as they need to have those long talks over phone with their partners. What is the use? They can put this brain into doing something much more productive.
Actually, the meaning of love has changed. Love is actually that feeling of closeness and attachment that you have with any one (not necessarily of the opposite sex which is today what you call love). Love cannot exist without trust. It needs to have the absence of selfishness. Doing good is loving. We don’t love faces but hearts. But today pretty faces and perfect body have much more importance than heart. Our world has been shattered by the kind of love that is present today.
Where are those good old days when children used to cry when they lost their favorite toys and not their love? Those days when teenagers did not shout on their parents because they just fought with their boyfriend/girlfriend. Those days when love was with the hearts and not with faces.
Sad to say that love no more means LOVE…

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