Care? Understanding? Just another passing emotion? Time pass? Relationship? Questions and some more questions? Answers? Ummm.. Yeah, a few. Are we satisfied with those? Maybe! Love means different things to different people. And what better day to discuss it than today, the day dedicated to love- Valentine’s Day? There’s always a reason when I write something and I have a reason even this time around. I often ask my friends ideas or topics to write on and I’m always welcome to their suggestions. So, a friend of mine suggested that I write about Valentine’s Day and also told me to add that Valentine’s Day doesn’t necessarily mean romantic love. The very next day when I was texting another friend of mine, he said Valentine’s Day is meant exclusively for romantic love. Who’s right and who’s wrong?
Before treading the path of finding out whether Valentine’s Day is for all or not, let me focus on the question which the title of this note raises, what is love? As I look for answers, I find these words written behind a book, “Love… only a four letter word, yet it’s so powerful that it can conquer anything in this world!” How true! (Now the task for you is to find out where I read those words! :-P) . Love is love, a paradox. Simple, yet complicated. So easily found, but yet so rare! Soothing, but sometimes painful! Yes, love is care. Love is understanding. Love is precious, love is eternal! But that’s only when love is pure and divine and isn’t bound by terms and conditions! “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails”. (1Corinthians 13:4-8) These lines from the Bible have always been the best way to describe love for me.
And yes, this love isn’t only the romantic love! We are so lost in our search for love that we often fail to see love that’s all around us! Yes, love’s blind or so they say! Instances of love? A plenty! Think of your first love, your mom! She gave you birth and cared for you all these years and still cares for you and no matter how old you are, you’ll still be her little one! Is she not in love with you? Or your dad! No matter how you are or what you are he still loves you! Your siblings come next! You fight, you argue, you shout, you tease each other and tell you hate each other, but when someone or something’s against you, you are birds of the same feather who flock together. And then there are your friends! Those bunch of people with whom you can be yourself! Don’t you love them? Love’s all around you waiting to be discovered.
Valentine’s Day marks the death anniversary of St. Valentine who helped couples get married. What’s wrong in that? A few people term it a western tradition and want to ban it as it corrupts the mindset of the youth. But, it’s a day to celebrate love. Love that is real! Love that is not bound by terms and conditions! Let these so called moral policemen realize that love doesn’t always have to be wrong, it may be the platonic love as well! And this Valentine’s Day let’s tell the people we love how much me we love them! Instead of cribbing about not having a girlfriend or a boyfriend, go hug your mom and dad and tell them you love them. They may think you are crazy, but they will surely feel better. Love is not a commodity to be bought and sold and love isn’t materialistic! So forget the greeting cards, the chocolates, roses and gifts! A few loving words spoken, a kind smile to the people around or a little deed of kindness done without expecting anything in return is enough to spread love around! That feeling of satisfaction will be the best gift to you! And who knows someone maybe impressed by those deeds of yours!
I’m not against love, but I’m against materializing love and making it a joke! And moreover love doesn’t need to be restricted only to one particular day! Make every day special. So my dear readers spread love and cheer around! And don’t forget to love yourself- because others may not be with you always and how can you expect others to love you if you don’t love yourself? Love is in the air and let it stay! The world can be a better place only if there is love in the world.
Happy Valentine's Day!

Tags: Love

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