love until it hurtz !!!

now i know what is love
its nothing but pain..
and here i bow to this love
the one which can never be sane..

love s true only when it hurts
only then has it touched your core
only if it has managed to drill a hole
n a hollowness tht makes u sore

an unending uncalled for faith
a chain from which i don wana break away
a wound that no time can heal
a passion that always finds it way..

love is one which is ashamed of demanding
love is where expectations are nill..
love is nothing if its not unconditional
love s a jar which only pain can fill..

love which survives rejection
love that defeats neglect
love that is nonchalant to unacknowledgement
is love in true effect..

now i know d beauty of love
the magic is in the pain..
the power is in what i lose
not manifested in d gain..

words cannot express the intensity
gestures cannot show u the truth
its gud that i cant tear my heart
this world is too shallow to behold d truth..

i ll never belittle my love
by asking you for something
but dont blame me if cant conceal it
u see my eyes cant hide this one thing

the moments spent wrapped in your arms
the time spent listening to your hearbeat..
the memories of the closeness we shared
still makes my heart skip a beat..

those moments are life
the time before that is meaningless oblivion
the time beyond that cease to exist!!!!


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