Love is when you have that goofy look in your eyes
and your smile stretches across your whole face
and you still get goosebumps, listening to the song
he dedicated to you, seventeen years back.
Love is when you still do crazy things like calling
each other thrice a day even though you're in the
same town.
Love is still waiting to see each other at the end of
the day.
Love is that pride in her eyes when she sees me at
the book-events signing copies.
Love is she telling all her friends about me,
Love is fighting like crazy but still hugging each
other at the end of the day, because you can't
sleep otherwise.
Love is doing something you hate, just because the
other person loves it.
Love is each one thinking that they are lucky to
have got the other person.
Love is something that casts a warm glow in your
Love is she pushing me to write my fourth book
and keeping on checking the progress.
Love is still feeling a bit (a teeny weeny bit) jealous
when I say that some girl looks hot.
(hehheh, I do it sometimes just to listen to her
swear )
Love is she telling me that to the world I may be a
best-selling author, but to her I am still the same
guy she married. (hmmmph--and you would think I
deserve some respect! )
Love is saying cheeky things because you know
you can get away with it
Love is what has stood the test of time.. !
Remember :
When someone loves you,
they don't always have to say it.
You can always know it by the way they treat
you .. !

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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