You may be busy with life & other priorities but in those
moments..... dont let LOVE slip away from your hand.....
That doesnt mean forget the world & just sit with your LOVE ...but it just
means remembering them even if you are busy....just a simple
text...or an unexpected phonecall.... would bring a smile on
their faces... & i bet ... you can do anything to make them smile.

you LOVE to see them smile, dont you..?
so just make them feel a lil more cared.. a lil more
special..... because you LOVE them.... & they deserve to be treated good & ofcourse pamper them sometimes...treat them like a kid...Sing for them even if you are bad...they would LOVE it.....
Afterall, to LOVE & to be LOVED in return is a blessing..... Isn't it????

::::: PK <3 MâĎĎÝ :::::

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