A drop of color, fallen into the water
Splash sound, with few droplets in air
Embracing the drops, losing its existence
Yet widening the limits, no worry, no fear
Beautifying water, making it change its color
And dissolving in it, accepting it, succumbing
Yet swallowing the water, making it look alike
To itself, the drop is now nowhere, lost itself
But water too is not now pure, instead
It is having the drop inside, absorbed
And colors of their unison, spreading,
Making them look similar, nothing to discriminate
Together they are visible now, but individuality is lost
Is this the love, of the purest form?
Is this the sacrifice to lose yet winning?
Is this the epitome, the paragon of love?
Yes this is, not an end, but initiation of a new inning….

Tags: Love

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