After a long time I had spent such a peaceful and relax weekend. Just sitting in my balcony having my cup of coffee enjoying this beautiful climate.

While i was having my coffee, I was thinking about the conversation I had with my friend last week. We are talking about many thing but at the end all things were boiling down to one question. Do really good and faithful men exist in this world??? and If they exist, they will be either married or engaged. All leftover men are the flirts, who are not at all serious about marriage….

I remember this friend of mine in LONDON, We are on Skype and was sharing that she is 38+ single and still not yet found right man to get married, Even she said something similar “Good men are all married, in committed relationship or engaged and leftover are gays and jerks !!! “ ha ha now she finally decide to be NUN for rest of her life, rather than banging her head against the wall which is not worth doing . She feel it’s too late and she will never find a right person !! I know but being a NUN for that, that’s sounds absolutely pathetic but that the reality and truth which we are facing…

I’m sure, Men will also have some thing to say over this— if they really think about it….which I highly doubt that they do !!!

When I was kid, I so wanted to get married to my charming prince of my imaginations…who will come on horse , he will hold my hand, come on his knees, propose me for marriage and we will get married, have few or dozen of kids and live happy ever after….. sound crazy !!! But as I grew old, I start having my encounter with life and truth. I stop dreaming and its was time for me to face the reality.

When I was in my teenage, I was sure that my charming prince never existed and already was in that place that i would never ever would imagine myself dreaming a dream. My heart turn cold, I was badly hurt and wounded by this world. All this experiences have made me emotionally and mentally strong.

In past few months, I have being hearing several stories about breakups ,divorce and marriage falling apart. That I get goosebumps even when I even think about marriage.

I believe in simple thing that, Marriage is very a beautiful relationship where two different personality people, walking on different paths meet up and start living their life together because for simple reason that they are in love with each other.

In marriage there no guarantee that there are not going to be fight, definitely there are going to be arguments , fights, disagreement and hiccups.

But the problems with generation today, That they are very independent and extremely busy in their careers and social activities that they find difficult to spare time and sit together to talk and to get things sorted out.

The other greatest misunderstanding in this generation has is marriage is all about having sex and mushy talks. I was telling my friend, that in marriage is not only about sex there are many other things involve. A couple can do so many things together other that just sex… They can travel, go for trekking, Movies, swimming , long drives,cooking together, dancing and many other things…..

I’m sure when a old couple who are 75 years cannot have sex anymore, After certain age we cannot have sex for several reason. But what keep them strong in a relationship is bonding the friendship they have developed amongst each other over years or decades.

Sadly this generation have fail to understand this truth, which is resulting that many of them will be alone in their old ages or before getting old they will enter depression or commit suicide. I have been seeing this happening with few of comrades and people around me.

I keep on advising my ladies and people around me , that they should be married . But shouldn't be taking hasty decisions without knowing the person or his background. Be his or her best friend first and then think about marriage.

There is someone ,somewhere definitely made for you. When you will meet him or her just take a deep breath and say ” It was worth waiting for this right person”

Cheers !!

- Aarty Naik

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