Putting up a cute DP on fb,
having maximum likes on my status,
and the comments on the pictures I share,
the romantic cover of eiffel tower,
the laughing smilies in my statements,
inbox full of people's texts,
and larger number of requests,
they all certainly tell how happy I am !
How smiling I am
and how lively I am!
They depict how much I love being social!!!
Oh yes! I am lively!
BUt, it sucks!!!
because I am not what I pretend to be!
YEs, I confess! I am not happy with all that stuff!
I am full of that !
I hate being poked!
I hate being dragged in a conversation!
I hate being noticed!
for my life is already full of tragedies!
I dont want those "friends" of facebook!
for I cannot have friends!
I never had any!
For they cannot understand me unless they know about me!
and I have never allowed any body to come that close!
Keeping things inside me! I Am always fine,
It gives me pain but it keeps me safe from the "Symapthies" of others!
But stopping that all will just make them curious about me!
"What happened" statements .. I don't want to answer that!!!
yes, that stuff does give me some reason to smile!
but that makes me forget my worries!!!
and I cannot move ahead unless I solve my problems!
My mind is perplexed and I am difficult to be understood even by myself!!!
I Want good things to happen, but I don't know What!
I think I have to restore poise in my life which had been disturbed a long time agO...
an unbalanced life is driving me insane!!!

Tags: Disturbed

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