Life is a mess, a cobweb! You dont know whats right, whats wrong. People have their own perspective, you ve no idea which one to idolise and follow because you doubt every single soul. And its not as if they are all cruel, bad souls but then you can't find the compatibility. At some point of your life you reliaze you two differ, she might show off and you don't like that. You drift the way but then you realize she has covered quite a mile and you are almost there, stagnant, progressing slowlyy. You then doubt yourself- Are morals everything or should you bring in the change as the world shows. Should there be a tit for tat ideology or good wins over evil one?! You look for answers, the former seems to be the successful one being followed, but you want to be different, you believe in what our ancestors have preached us. You are again confused. Hush! You ve drifted away from that friend, you question everything. You want to be quiet and do your work but then it fails infront of them who do little but advertise more, who speak each word with a sole aim, to accomplish some strategy. You are sidelined, you feel neglected. And in the way to match, adapt a bit of their tactics you are lost, for thats against your grain. You dont seem to be satisfied with yourself as well. You are lost among the crowd, scavenging for a light, a clue which could send you back on track.

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