I was at the bank, a private one, some weeks ago, when a guy was overheard shouting in the manager's cabin. He appeared to be heavily drunk.

After a while, he came out, saw someone laughing, he warned him, 'hasneka nai.' Suddenly everyone became quiet.
'Loot te hai, ye log humko loot te hai,' he declared.

The manager came out, commanded him in Marathi to get out, and not disturb the customers.
I wondered what triggered this intense expression from this drunk guy.

Weeks later, I got an info by mail. My tax had been deducted.

Puzzled, I called the same bank. "Didn't I fill up the 15 G form in front of you? I even have the acknowledgement copy with me."
She replied it was not sent by her, as she had been on leave, but by her colleague. And that she had sent it to them within the stipulated time.

A few weeks later, I got this call from the lady there. In the middle of my afternoon nap.
"This is regarding the 15 G form. You've not filled out another form. Your account is still in another branch."

I was getting irritated. "Hello, did you not tell me the account there has been closed?'

Silence for some time, as she kept me on hold, to discuss with the other lady. "You should've filled that form, Ma'am," she resumed.
"If you folk don't tell us things clearly, how would we know?" I complained.

Then I tried calling the first lady. The phone was busy.
Finally someone answered and immediately shut it off.
I tried at least five times. The phone was kept continually on busy.

I finally gave up. How mean of them to shift their blame on me?
She had misplaced the form, my money was gone and now she had the cheek to blame me!

When will our people learn to acknowledge their mistakes?
When will they learn to be accountable for their actions?
And say 'sorry' truly from the heart.

So now I'm going to close my account in this private bank.
I fully agree with that drunkard.
"Ye log humko loot te hai."

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