Why is it always that i have to control this irresistible craving to see you. Every morning i wake up and realize that there is no place in this world where i could see your magical smile and your deep eyes which say mystical words and take me into depths of pacific of emotions.I can have that pleasure only in my dreams but those dreams too are filled with the heart aching moments that take you away from me in various ways.
I still have so much love in my heart for you but that will remain engraved there as i'd never get a chance to express it, to do things for you i always want to..
So many unfulfilled dreams and desires will stay with my soul coz i know i'd never be your one.
Long distance sucks and it did perfectly in our case too. It sucked up all the magic of the moments we somehow managed to spend together.It sucked up every drop of bonding between us..
(6:30 am , 1.9.12)

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