Gazing at the night sky, recalling the day
I wonder at how the smallest things
Can make all joys seem to fade away

Why do I love love although it makes me cry?
Why can’t I be stronger, though so hard I try?
Why only after the rain should come the rainbow?
Why, for reaping, is the wait so long after the sow?

I gaze in abandon at the stars and beyond
I wish, I hope, I pray for hours
“Will happiness play its part”, I yet again ask,
“Only when my strength finally falls apart”??

But you see, I know, the wait is futile
for the answers from yonder …
As the puzzles solved are closer
In the heart of my heart…

What matters is that,
My heart is strong
So is my will
I know I can make the climb,
though its mostly uphill

I know all was how it had to be
I needed the pain to wake up and see
That things wouldn’t much change
And only its acceptance could set my heart free

i know, i know
that i know it all
if only i could remember
all i know
in such lonely moment's call..

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