What happens when you leave your Facebook page without logging out???
A lot can happen in a minute..
Your friends can get the happiness news of your life..
your realization that you are a gay!!!!!!!!!!!
Your crushes can get revealed in a just one post...
The friends who never spoke to you would love your status and definite comment on your relationship status...
You can get friend requests from a hell lot of random people...
Your seniors would be friendly to you as they would ever be..
Girls will check out your profile more than guys..
After realizing about your instant popularity you l post status proving your innocence that whatever came in morning was not true..
It was act an IDIOT..
You l never know that you are more idiot than the person who played that stupid prank on you :P
You l never leave you FB page logged in ever in your life
:D :D :D

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