Lisbeth Salander.

There are two heads to a story always. One says East other West. One says I other You. One says True ,other well not so true.
Why do we forget the part joining the two faces. The face which surfaces once in a while .

It doesnt have any worth . Or so we think ! that is the side I call different . They call ..well nothing at all.

That is what she is. Different .

We are educated , never see a side darker than say a bad day due to a break up ,a family feud or irregular daily tensions. The dark is very far from our naive vision. Hence we are afraid of it . we get educated and deal with our lives . Dark for some might be a room with no light. But sometimes it may just turn into a metaphor.

When something different happens ,something out of the blue , panic ,fear and if we are rational we judge and give situation a name. Fear or knowing might have overcome or temptation to neglect and ignore prevailed. Answer lies in difference. Libertarian . Yes we have to be that to understand something beyond our scale of thought and intelligence.

Everyone is different. We don't know what caused what. Brain's matter is called Grey because nobody knows what goes on in there .Unpredictable and Outlandish. A freak of nature sometimes. A blind man acquires skills of a bat and rides a bicycle (yes it's true) and one never went to school is a genius ( nothing new).
Again easy one word defines that behavior .. different.

Past has implications and reactions become unpredictable . This is due to the moral standing that a person has . We see color blue. But i see it dark u see navy blue. Wrong or right ..doesnt matter. But it's the way of perception. Difference says here I come!

A simple word defines Lisbeth Salander.

However I won't comment on her stand on fighting for women . That is a whole lot different from this.

P.S: Lisbeth Salander is a protagonist (well partially) of a crime Best seller novel series by a Swedish author, Stieg Larsson. Might have seen the movies ..The girl with dragon Tattoo .. so on.

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