She slammed the door and pressed her back against it. She was gasping for air, but she knew she will have to hold on to life. Suddenly she she heard footsteps coming toward the door. Her attacker banged the door loudly and then in an act of pure strength, he banged the door open.

Lisa shrieked. She was desperately looking for someway to escape. But the room was lit only by the dim moonlight and she was so panicked that her brain was sort of hacked. No idea came on her mind. Instinctively, she began crawling. All she wanted right now was to as far as possible from her attacker. Then suddenly, she felt her attacker giving a sudden kick near her ribs. The pain was sharp and excruciating..

He grabbed her black hair with force as if to tear them out of her. He delivered a full powered right hand punch on Lisa's face. A warm stream of bright blood flooded out of Lisa's nose. Tears automatically made their way out. Lisa struggled. Her face had already covered with a mix of blood, tears and sweat. She kicked and punched and scratched her attacker desperately. But little was the effects of the defense of a ten-year old on a powerfully build murderer..

The man then caught Lisa by her throat and threw her violently on the wall. Lisa cried bitterly. Her body ached all over miserably. But her attacker had cornered her finally. There was nothing she could do now. Lisa forced herself to look at the man. His stern expression suddenly twisted into a wicked smile and he took out a big sharp-looking knife from his rag-looking trousers.

Lisa began to plead for her life. But the attacker seemed emotionless and stone-hearten. He was unmoved by the pleadings. If anything, his smile turn into a victorious grin as he raised, to Lisa's horror, the knife and he began to strike full force to finish the job. Lisa Screamed at the top of her voice..


Lisa woke up with a jolt. Widening her eyes she looked uncertainly around her. She was in her room. Light was on. She was sweating profusely and her heart was beating fast. Her mom and dad sat near her. They came to see why Lisa was screaming. Terrified, the little girl threw herself on her dad(it's a hug), for never in her life had she had such a nightmare..

Tags: Horror

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