I'm going down memory lane
along path strewn with rose petals
though here n there a few thorns
life with you's been never really a pain.

They beckoned that we talk
When I first met you at our home
as we reached the room's door
was dumbstruck when you said,'Pehle aap'.

My heart said you're the one
we said yes,they went ahead
blessed by Him,wished by many
how quickly things were done.

Life began on high note
hasn't diminished a wee bit
cause you my precious
haven't changed a bit,I vote.

I remember on that train
when rough guys barged in
I began to cry,they left me
as soon as you called out my name.

Now we were three,then four
you learned your job so well
feed them,change them
so I could rest my back so sore.

So practical,always looking ahead
very discerning
you knew people instantly
while I by feelings was led.

I look for words in your silence
am now adept at noting every frown
only your beautiful smile
can speak of volumes so very dense.

Out on work,you go outstation
how I miss you,honey
each day,every second
becomes so difficult to mention.

You working so hard,
I not as much
but you tell me
to this pay no regard.

You're gentle,so caring
I the queen,you the king
are words I reply
to those who ask how I'm faring.

Years have passed
our love still grows
as old wine gets sweeter
am sure very long it'll last.

No words can truly say
how much you mean to me
my sweetheart,my hubby
you truly make my day!

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