My friends at school could not just get over talking about social networking sites( referred to as SNS in the post)..two years back! Those not having an account on.these sites were almost Looked down at!! I was 1 of them. Infact, it never really amused me, And I had decided that even if I were to have an account on it, then it would be only after my Std 10 exams.. so..there I was, two months back, appearing Online to my friends..I had created an account on my friends' insistence, and downloaded the messenger because my brother told me it would be fun to keep in touch with friends!!

Little did I know that every time. I switched on my WiFi, I would appear online to my friends, because I had that Messenver thing! Boy..what a distraction it was..!! People started thinking I was jobless!!

Two months..and I am done with it for two years man! It is just so engrossing, sometimes boring and something that gets you worked up.. i actually know people who ask me to Like their pics.. I it ABSOLUTELY necessary to LIKE someone's pic? Is thenumber of Likes equivalent to the number of people who actuallyLIKE youin reality? Is it the ONLY measure of one's popularity?

As I search for answers, I cannot help but laugh at the fact that these sites even help you remember the birthday of a FRIEND who must have never met or even if you have, you may not be that close!
I don't mean to say anything bad about these SNS, infact, sometimes it proves to be of great help to come in touch with a long lost friend. It also helps you to get in touch with nice people. But, shouldn't people have certain limits? This is my question and I hope to find some answers from you dear readers!

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