I hope you guys give it a read.:)
Just a Thought-
Of late,Staying in a hostel, surviving alone amidst people to whom the term "defence" doesn't go down well with, i have realised the attachment imbibed in me towards our armed forces.

Nothing can beat the atmosphere,safety, the lanes,parks,facilities and a feeling of peace which u get in an air force station. The peculiar smell of trees, wide open spaces, quarters, the usual sight of uncles and aunties out for an evening walk with kids wishing them "good evening uncle/aunty when they walk past.

Nobody can understand when u talk about parades, high teas,Kendriya Vidyalayas & Air Force schools,Afwwa,parties,cadets,trainees, fighters AND the feel of changing houses/schools/friends every 2-3 years.
Staying out you realise (no offence to anyone) but people who have been born,brought up and lived in the same place for their whole lives will never see your point of view. Because-An Air Force Brat is always different. Always a class apart.

To them, it is a wonder that we have changed 5-6 schools, roamed almost throughout the country and know thousands of people.True, we don't experience the bonds of friendship in which we grow up with our best friend and stick together from primary school to college BUT we have friends whom we maintain contacts with even after years of being posted out.And Somehow, when we end up meeting them or talking to them, nobody will know the joy of catching up with each other and reminiscing about the station where we posted together and talking about the stations seen thereafter.

We Are different, oh and i won't even say "even though some may not agree", no sir, WE ARE DIFFERENT in every way possible. We can adjust in just about any condition, we have the flexibility to make friends easily and the confidence to walk up and start a conversation with anyone and everyone. We have met so many people in life, struggled our way through adjusting in new environments/situations that we are capable of reading people and their intentions in a glance or of course from their mannerisms.We are easy going, open minded,independent and of course-Cool. ;)

I am sure the brats living away from home would agree when i say that life outside an air force campus, without parents and especially friends who are at the same level as ours( strictly implying an air force background and the qualities mentioned above) does get difficult after a while.We start missing our spacious quarters, the freedom of walking in the campus without worrying about vehicles squishing you, the library filled with a huge collection of novels,watching your dad gets home from office in his uniform, the pride you feel when ur dad wears his special uniform and mum's decked up in a saree for the evening official party.Nothing we see is new to us, be it rajasthani furniture, sweet rolls from nagpur,kashmiri shawls, brass items of moradabad,kanjeevaram sarees,plants, clothing or dishes. We have seen it all, had it all. :P

I have realised (again no offence), that "civilians" aren't so civilised after all.
It used to irk me initially that just because they are conservative with an orthodox familial background doesn't mean that the way we brats hold ourselves, dress up,socialize or mix around is crude or downright outrageous.Years later, i have just come to humbly accept that- We are just different.An air force brat can always relate to what another brat says.
There are differences between the way we were brought up, the things we have seen, the places we'v been to and the people we have met.
We will always be different. :)

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