Life has always been a mystery for me from the day one of my college was on my toes to gain only aim has been quest for knowledge joining practicality with theory..coonverting dreams into reality..i kept running for things,people,places...then i realised that what u really want in ur life manifests itself in form of your own thoughts...i have stayed a longer time alone in my life i guess trying to understand games life played with me and then hiding and saying "You have to start again baby".But then i realised that may be life wants something bigger from me and time had come to move on and go towards the path which would give glory,love,understanding and last but not least peace...I would stop sticking to people and things which always gave me back pain and memories surrounding me in a cage.Now was the time to remove all barriers and fly away towards my dreams,beautiful life and make everything around me beautiful.with beautiful INNER Me..

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