As the results came of my 12 th board I was dumbstruck by watching my results as my fear came true , the marks or others calculate it as percentage was down below my parents expections. Thought life came to an end as I have to join some degree college though my aim of becoming a doctor was shattered initially,but god has something else written in my destiny :)

God made me an engineer .

Never thought some day n some how..actually I will have to go away from my parents..though I was becoming older per year but never thought of that initially...

The day which was most fearsome to me came with a lighting speed never expected that ;)
But that day has to come..n it came

Mom got tears in her eyes..n even I was feeling to cry like a baby at that being a boy it was against my Reputation and then also a different feeling was generating in the inner side of my mind, soul,and Heart..a question was arising simultaneously HW TO SURVIVE?? In this world and in a Totaly different place :(

Life was seeming To be an burning candle whose end was near


After that I got my LIFELINE:)
Mean to say I got what I was never expecting from life and that to in Hostel:)

Never experienced the enjyoment, the fun, the late night partying, my first cigratte ;) before hostel was my part of life..

It taught me lessons of life and made me more mature and actually it did really changed me what I was actually in my early ages :).

So as nw I miss my hostels n my hostel friends..they transformed me completely :)
N thankful to them to develop me from lamb to some wht about the today's level of living :)

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