What exactly is life? I Wonder many times questioning myself and never get any answer. May be it is something that you cannot describe but you live it and experience it. Each day of living teach the pain, happiness, joy and sorrow and this is how circled of life works. Life is very mysterious and unpredictable doesn’t know where and when it will end. In between of living process life sometimes provoke you and take you to the wrong direction and sometimes encourage you to lead a better life. The more days are passing the more I am getting to know about life, but still couldn’t figure out what exactly is life bad, good, ok or worst.
Half of my life has ended. Obstacles, betrayal, guilty, pleasure and pain has played the most important role in my life. I try not to look back and try not let the past hunt my present and future but I think I must give up on having an excuse about past. The present is mine and the future will be mine too so there is nothing to look back only I can fetch the few glimpses of the past, so that I will not repeat the mistake I made in past. Mistakes, people learn from it and I think I learned a big lesson from the past to enhance my present and future. My perspective about life has changed since I have faced many ups and down, I no more shout at my fate nor I sympathy myself. There is no reason to weaken you, because there are more than millions of people who is living the worst life but no one can change in instant. Suffer, adjust, go through it and live. The learning process never ends, life keep teaching you and you keep learning it, the only thing is that sometimes you learn the best and sometimes you learn the worst. Now it’s up to you how you take the best and the worst. Take the worst as your confidence and take the best as your inspiration. I have stopped whining about life, you only suffer and suffocate and you will make journey of life more complicated and painful. Tears you drop everyday thinking your pathetic life will make you looser. Losers in this society are the most disgraceful and this society hasn’t changed and I don’t expect it to change but I would rather prefer to change myself. You can’t stop living just because of annoying society. Your life is yours and you have the right to live it. We still see the people committing suicide just because they couldn’t face the society and yes peer pressure is there and on top of that our society is motivating youth to take such a huge step. No mercy, no humanity, no unity these are the main reasons society has been the worst influence in youth. The other reason is the competition, you might admit that I am not in the competition but you are in competition you have been listed in the competition by society, this can lead you to the frustration when things started to get out of your way and you will be the talk of the town. Suddenly people started to behave weirdly; you see the people who have been good to you will turn around. Yes this is kind of frustrating but it doesn’t mean to stop living, instead be thankful to god that you have given a chance to know the people and the circumstances. Now is the chance to show them your patience and yes your ability, take it as a chance to live your life differently and take it as a challenge. Grasp every little thing that comes your way and embrace the hardship.
Time has changed and with the time speed of people has changed. Everyone wants to get everything and everyone wants to be the best. Time has really moved fast. I have seen many incidents and I have been through it myself. Parents want their child to be the best, and they want them to grab all the opportunity before anyone grabs it. Have we ever thought of the child? Have we ever realized what impact it can leave on the children and as well as in the society? We are the one to create the problems and we are the reasons of frustration and depression, we have to be one to overcome the unhealthy environment, we have been creating it. It is understood able that you want the best for your child but in finding the best remember you might be leading your children to the worst. Competition is piling up, in every house parents are expecting more and more from their child, my dear son or daughter you have to be the best and you have to come first. Don’t let us down in front of neighbors and in front of family, look your uncle’s son and daughter doing so well and you have to match up them. These are the words I guess every child have to hear every night at dinner table. Parents are right they have high hopes on their child but is it good to compare with others? Does it really help to compare with others? Do you think this will help a child and they will be motivated? Certainly not, now just try to read the mind of child; probably he or she will hate the person with whom they are compared. Negativity will start to rule them and they will start to ignore everyone, they will feel the rejection for not being the best. Rejection neither from their school nor from their friends, they feel rejection from their parents. Gradually they will ignore their friends and they become reserved. Now the problem starts, child will be stubborn they don’t follow you anymore because they hold so much of grudge inside them. They will definitely feel left out and they start to create their own world, the world of imagination. They won’t be interested in anything anymore. They have so many things to express but they can’t because they are scared of rejection.
Still we don’t realize and still we don’t comfort our children because we are too greedy and too selfish. We only care for ourselves or we only want to protect our reputation in the society and yes we want to run fast, as fast as we can to achieve everything at once, we probably have to win it no matter what just to make yourself happy and our happiness lies in the between family, friends and society that counts the most. Child is left in the corner no warm words, no warm hugs from their parents; they would probably change if we comfort them with good and warm words. It is okay, everything is okay just be yourself because I believe in you and believe in your talent, you don’t need to be like others, be yourself, being yourself is my son/daughter. Unfortunately parents will only burden them with more of the things because they don’t want to lose the race they have been running since long ago.
Nothing could have happened if something was never meant to happen, something would have never happened if nothing was meant to happen. There is a reason for everything that happens. Some happens for the good and some for the bad, it is just the matter of time and with the time we smile, cry and learn. Every passing phase of life let you know about yourself. Live life as it comes, endure all the pain that appears and let something happen. It’s better to go through something rather than nothing. Nothing makes you numb, dull and yes stupid; something makes you attentive, strong and hopeful. Walk with something, smile with nothing. Life is precious, live and let live.


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