This world is ruled by size zeroes and pretty thin girls! with new fitness campaigns and laser techniques, thin is the new in ! but what about those who are fat huh ?


all of you, and i mean ALL of you have made a rude comment when seeing someone obese pass the street. anyone overweight is the bully's dream and laughing stock of high school. be it little kids or the old so called MATURE parents, or my fellow teenagers ! Lewd comments as we step on the street and snickers behind our backs. just because most of us ignore it does not mean we haven't heard it and that it doesn't haunt us at night !

I am an 18 year old girl and I am 5ft2 and I am 108kg !
and this is my life story from my point of view.

oh and if you think this is going to be some stupid chick drama, well you're quite wrong. I plan on using this as a medium to tell how it feels to be the one taunted and teased.

I know most of you do it as just a habit or in good humor but its important for you to know the impact it makes on us you know, for you to understand.

i am going to give you the details of my school life (I loved it Yes!) and home life and what it feels like to be obese in this world.

but the point is i am only going to continue if i get more than


on this cuz then i will know that my view point is actually being considered.

no hate tales no dpression at all !! this is just about life, from my eyes :)

p.s. the grammar crazy people please ignore my mistakes ! this is just an introduction. the real thing will start later in proper grammar, well as proper as i can get it.

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