A friends mother passed away rather suddenly today and got me thinking about how fragile life is.
Nothing that we hold dear will survive the test of time. We ourselves will fail at any give time. Is this what makes life so special?? It's fragility?? That it can be snatched away at any given point at a moments notice..
What about life after death?? Of the person who died I have no idea as I don't believe in heaven or hell. Atleast not after you're dead. I believe that you make your own heaven or hell right here on earth while ur alive. While you're breathing and walking and living. We make our personal hells and heavens through our lives. Think about the people you're leaving behind. Think of family and friends. Would they live in the heaven you created or the hell that you orchestrated. Life is so short. It can be sniffed out in a moment. Without cause or reason. So doesn't it make sense to make sure that you leave the people you care for with a heaven that they can cherish and remember you in rather than a hell that torments them even after you're gone??

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