Dear lost one,
Thanks to these letters, I have been able to become stronger. Bit by bit.
And on days like these, I even fantasize about a happy future, in which I don't mind being alone.

I believe that an individual need not necessarily have just one true love. After all I too had a love before you. It was my first love. And that is special even now. Because it was the love that taught me how soft a boy's lips could be. That boys are soft and kind too, not all rough.

Well then, carrying on with the wound that is you. You are like the scab I like to cry about in public and scratch again in private. Ok, that was very weird. If you can understand, fine. Otherwise just consider one of my quirks.

I am relatively positive today. I feel I might move on after all. As a matter of fact I am positive, I will.

People must be getting fed up of me writing these sappy letters to you. But then it is not for them, is it?

Well, when you find one letter you might find the rest too... because it is not the sea where my letters are, but the net.
So, find them, my beloved and know that wherever I would be at the time you read theis, I am better than I was yesterday.

Glad that I was yours for a moment in time,

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