Dear lost one,

Did you know songs have such a strong effect on emotions... I was listening to these songs, new songs, which have no memories of you associated with them.

These songs gave me so many feelings.
They made me want to trap the wind caressing my face and use it for a time when today would become a part of nostalgia.
With each song, I went on a roller coaster of memories and emotions.
Had I known I was going to miss you as much as I do, I would have given more importance to the moments spent with you. I would have let my fingers linger a longer while over your shoulders.
I would have savoured the smell of the interior of your car forever.
If only I could, I would stop time. It doesn't matter when exactly. It doesn't matter if I could stop a moment with you during an argument or at the very moment you said you love me.
I do not have the privilege to stop time, far less choose the exact moment.

I want to go back in time and steal our moments together. Any moment at all. Bottle it up. Carry it with me. Like priceless wine. Knowing I could open it, take a whiff. But not really doing so, simply because its too precious.

I carry you in my heart, and I wonder if your memory will become priceless with age, like wine.
Because if it happens... if you become any more precious than you already are... I fear I will not be able to take it any more.
Your distance.
Your not knowing.
Your absence.


Tags: Fiction

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