Dear akhil,

I must thank you for taking the trouble of coming all the way to 'see' me. Thank you for looking and smelling good too. I must admit, you were your impeccable best. Especially when you actually managed to match your shirt with that tie!

I had to come in with the tray, as usual and suddenly felt self conscious when all eyes were on me. I thought I were a goat..fattened and readied for the slaughter that day!
You looked through the corner of the eye at me and I noticed it. I had my head bent as I was supposed to.

We talked in another room. Of my education, job, credentials..You had this sly look coming over you at times. I'm sure you wished to ask how many boy friends I had too. I could somehow see through you. You squirmed when I asked some blunt questions like how much you actually earned. You went around the bush, laughed that huge guffaw, touched your chin..signs of someone lying from the teeth. Then something came over you, you asked me if I had sex with anyone before? I asked you if you had.

You were furious. You rose up, hands raised to hit me across my cheek. I grabbed it and gave YOU one tight slap instead. Your mouth flew open. It opened and closed like a jelly fish. I was both angry and amused watching you.

You stormed out. Your parents were surprised. But not mine.
They felt it coming. The minute you had come in.

We were indeed glad to watch your family's retreating back. For while you were busy interrogating me, your folk were grilling mine. Dowry, looks, status were high on their long never ending list.
They were unhappy 'cause I am not that fair.

So, dear suitor, hoping you'd soon meet your own Ms aishwarya.

I am thoroughly relieved after that tight slap I gave you. I feel like giving you some more!
As for me, I'm done with any more guys coming to 'see' me.
So while you scout around greedily for 'more' dowry, 'fairer' and an easily intimidated bride..
I'm busy completing my MBA, a lucrative job offer already in hand for me! I'm sure to meet my Mr Right somewhere along the way.

Yours never really,
Carefree me

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